Wednesday, November 05, 2014

MI: School Advocating SWATting as Policy?

In Michigan, it is legal for people who have a concealed carry permit to openly carry firearms on school grounds and into schools.   It is illegal for them to carry concealed firearms on  school grounds or into schools.   Some second amendment supporters have exercised their rights by carrying their personal defensive firearms openly while picking up their children or visiting schools for other reasons. 

Banning guns from schools is a relatively recent  phenomena.  The idea started being pushed about 1990.   There was never any validity to it as a safety measure.   Mass shootings in schools have only gone up since the federal law was passed.   What is clear is that this is an  attempt to delegitimize gun ownership and second amendment rights in the eyes of children and society as a whole.   It is primarily an indoctrination measure, and as George Orwell noted, a primary virtue of party operatives is the ability to effectively lie to themselves.

The Huron Valley Schools have a parent who is exercising his second amendment rights while visiting his child's school.   The school administration has said that they will call 911 and go into lockdown when he legally open carries on school grounds.

This comes very close to SWATting.   The school administration knows  the parent involved.   They know that what he is doing is legal.   Yet they insist on calling 911 and going into emergency procedures, including lockdown, when he exercises his rights.   I suspect that they would not do so if a person wearing a uniform and a gun came on school grounds.  Police commit more crimes than people with concealed carry permits.  To show the cognitive dissonance involved, when they call  911, they are asking that people with guns come on school grounds.   From
The district will now discuss its options at a school board meeting Monday night. For now, Huron Valley Schools say any instance of open carry will implement its emergency procedures, which includes calling 911, and having an officer approval the entry of the individual with the firearm

“What we would do is we would apply our emergency procedures in the instance that someone chooses to open carry," said Kim Root, Director Of Community Relations for Huron Valley Schools. "For example whenever someone chooses to open carry on school grounds, we would apply our emergency procedures which would include going on lockdown.”
This is equivalent to a two year old throwing a tantrum when they do not get their way.   What should happen is for the legislature to eliminate the ban on guns in schools.    When we did not have the ban, we had fewer problems.

Banning guns in schools does not make students safer.   It only teaches them to disrespect the  rule of law and the Constitution.

©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
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