Wednesday, July 06, 2016

American Owellianism: Defeat is Defense; Freedom is Racism; Diversity is Strength

George Orwell's 1984 had three slogans that were repeated constantly.  They were counter factual, they showed that people were repeatedly told and were expected to believe the most outrageous, anti-rational, contradictory lies in order to inculcate obedience.

The same is true in the United States of today.  Political Correctness is what we are expected to believe without any rational examination.  We are expected to believe direct contradictions as a matter of public policy.  The irrational assumptions of that policy may not be challenged. We are constantly lied to and expected to accept the lies. I posit that Orwell's three slogans have been changed for the reality of American politics.  These are the three slogans that epitomize the American version of 1984:

Defeat is Defense

Freedom is Racism

Diversity is Strength

We are told that each defeat we suffer is necessary for our defense. Defeat is Defense.

We are told that we are not free to say certain things.  To think certain thoughts, to associate or not associate with those we choose.  We are not allowed to follow deeply held, long term religious beliefs.  To exercise this freedom is said to be racist.  The unstated, but obvious inference is that Freedom is Racism.

We are told over and over that accepting more and more poor, uneducated people from more and more cultures actively hostile to our own, somehow (unexplained) strengthens us.  Diversity is strength.

Defeat is Defense

Freedom is Racism

Diversity is Strength

It could not be more clear if these slogans were printed below every television broadcast and every leftist site on the Internet.  They are taught in the universities and in the common schools.  They are required attitudes in the entertainment industry. The have been and are constantly being driven into our culture and consciousness.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch


Anonymous said...

Some of us are old enough to know better, some of us are intelligent enough to see through what is being presented. some of us are mad as hell and some of us are ready for them. try believing what your lying eyes are seeing. If Americans do not stand up soon we will be standing behind barbed wire fences.

Anonymous said...