Saturday, April 29, 2006

MT: Intruder prompts elderly Sula woman to get her gun : "Phyllis Friesen sat in her bedroom Sunday night with a .357 pistol in her lap while a strange man raided her refrigerator and trashed her house. Law enforcement officers arrived at the 80-year-old woman's cabin 15 miles up the East Fork of the Bitterroot River near Springer Memorial more than an hour after she called 911 to report the alleged intruder, 42-year-old Jerry D. Gensamer. 'I asked what the heck he was doing in my house and he never answered me -- just started trashing the living room,' Friesen said. ... Gensamer entered Friesen's house through a door at about 10:15 p.m., she said. Friesen, who lives by herself, said she doesn't normally lock the door. After he ignored her questions, Friesen said she went into her bedroom, pulled out a gun and called 911. 'It wasn't as frightening as it would have been if I didn't have the gun,' she said."

Despite Brady efforts, pro-gun victories continue: "After more than two decades of trying to destroy the firearms rights of more than 80 million law-abiding American gun owners -- and statistically failing to show any impact on violent crime -- the Brady 'Campaign Against Illegal Guns' being launched Thursday is yet another crusade whose ultimate goal is to trample the Second Amendment into dust. That's the reaction from Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). 'This isn't a new campaign against illegal guns,' he stated, 'it's the same old campaign against all guns, and the American citizens who own them.'"

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