Tuesday, August 08, 2006

TX: Clerk fatally shoots masked gunman: "A clerk fatally shot a masked gunman in an exchange of gunfire at an east Dallas convenience store late Tuesday, police said. ... 'Apparently, this man came into the store wearing a mask,' Crowther said. 'The store clerks realized immediately that they were about to be robbed, so they took cover behind the counters.' The man said, 'Don't run,' and fired a shot at one of the clerks. The clerk got his own gun, Crowther said, and fired back at Davis, fatally wounding him."

Illinois college student pushes for right to carry: "Ask Shaun Kranish how many guns he owns and he is unlikely to give you an answer. The 21-year-old Rockford man views that as a personal question. It's probably a safe bet Kranish owns more than the one that was confiscated by police in May. He was carrying it in a holster strapped to his right thigh as he shopped with his girlfriend at the mall. Founding a Web-based organization called ICarry.org, a lawsuit he filed against Rock Valley College, and getting arrested twice in 10 months has catapulted Kranish into a somewhat prominent spotlight among Second Amendment activists in Illinois. Although guarded and private in many ways, Kranish is developing a habit of calling attention to himself and his cause. 'We don't get our rights from the government,' Kranish said. 'We are endowed with them when we are created as human beings. The Bill of Rights is there to protect them and prevent the government from infringing or denying those rights ... our right is to not only keep, or own, but to bear, which is to carry arms.'"

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