Saturday, January 17, 2009

SC: Convenience store owner pulls weapon on gunman : "A masked bandit tried to rob the wrong store Thursday night. A police report said about 11:19 p.m. a black man in his mid to late 20s brandished a shotgun at a 73-year-old store owner, demanded money and fired once, hitting the wall behind the owner. The store owner pulled out his own gun and returned fire and called 911 as the man fled the store on foot. Smoking a cigarette not long after lunch time Friday, Milton McCarty leaned on the counter behind the cashier's area, a half cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup resting near his elbow. He said he's owned McCarty's Super Convenience Store at 3909 Camden Highway for 40 years and when he works at night, he always carries his weapon, declining to say exactly what kind. "He fired at me and I fired back at him and it was over with," he said matter of factly, "and he took to running." He quickly dialed 911, he said, and officers were on the scene in minutes. "I think I got him in the face a little bit, and that was it," he said. The suspect is described as 5 feet 9 inches tall and 165 pounds. He was wearing a black jacket, black shoes, blue jeans and a mask McCarty said was navy blue. Sumter County Sheriff Anthony Dennis said investigators were working to enhance the video images of the man and said they were unsure if the man left in a car after running out of the store."

NY: Police seek 4 men who tried to rob home near Monticello: "Police say four men tried to rob a home at gunpoint at about 5:20 p.m. Friday. According to the Sullivan County Sheriff's Office, the four men knocked on the door of a house near the Car Corner on East Broadway, just outside the Village of Monticello. Police said the men asked for a person who was not there and then pulled a shotgun. Police said the man who answered the door grabbed the shotgun and wrested it away from the would-be robbers, who fled in a small maroon 4-door sedan."

CA: SWAT goons seach gun rights supporters: "At the board meeting today, Orange County deputies searched gun-rights supporters, especially those wearing CCW buttons, according to those who attended the meeting. Although Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said she would let the permits expire rather than revoke them, her real disdain for freedom is shown by the presence of the SWAT team and the heavyhanded searches of law-abiding residents who wanted to attend the board meeting."

PA: Bill would pull plug on reloading: "Reloading ammunition in Pennsylvania may become a thing of the past if a bill currently in state legislature is passed. According to the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), `in the last year, so-called `encoded' or 'serialized' ammunition bills have been introduced in 13 states - Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Washington. `The bills, if passed, would require all bullets and cartridge cases to be marked with a code and registered to the owners in a computerized database, therefore, reloading would be outlawed."

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