Thursday, April 29, 2010

WV: Man shot after attempting to break into homes: "One man shot another man at an Atenville home in Lincoln County Tuesday afternoon because he tried to break into his home, according to State Police. Thomas Perry, 44, tried to break into several homes along West Virginia 10 Tuesday afternoon, said State Police Senior Trooper L.T. Goldie Jr. He approached the residence of Jeffrey Lambert, who was home with four children. Lambert warned Perry to leave the property, but he would not, Goldie said. At about 5:30 p.m., Lambert fired one shot, and Perry was later flown by helicopter to Cabell-Huntington Hospital, Goldie said. ‘Mr. Lambert is not facing any charges,’ he said. ‘It was a defensive shot.’”

AK: Gun advocates, cameras descend on UAA: "A highly-anticipated protest by Anchorage gun advocates on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage Wednesday turned out to be more of a media circus than anything else. On Wednesday four armed men walked onto UAA's main quad, where journalists outnumbered guns by about five to one. A swarm of reporters and photographers documented the University of Alaska Police Department filling out Notices of Violation to the four men and politely asking them to step off campus. (The usual detail of three on-duty UAPD officers had been upped to seven for the occasion.) The armed men agreeably moved their protest a few hundred feet south to stand on Providence Drive, where they and about 20 supporters waved to honking drivers and held up signs reading "Patriots protect our Constitution" and "Don't tread on me."

Georgia recognizes gun carry rights in parts of airports: "Georgia’s registered gun owners would be allowed [sic] to carry their firearms into parts of the world’s busiest airport, as lawmakers shot back Tuesday at a court ruling that had long frustrated Second Amendment activists. The House voted 120-37 to allow gun owners to carry their weapons into parts of airports throughout the state not controlled by the federal government, such as terminals and parking lots. The proposal has already been adopted by the Senate and now goes to Gov. Sonny Perdue.”

OK: Henry vetoes gun legislation: "Gov. Brad Henry today vetoed a bill that would have exempted guns or ammunition made in the state from federal regulations. The Democratic governor said Senate Bill 1685 would have presented safety concerns to citizens and law enforcement officers. Henry said the … bill would have made it easier for criminals to obtain a wide array of weapons in Oklahoma and endanger residents and law enforcement officers in the process.’ … ‘I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and have earned an A rating from the NRA (National Rifle Association), but this legislation does nothing to protect an individual’s right to bear arms,’ Henry said.”

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