Tuesday, July 05, 2011

WA: Man lost shoots knife-wielding burglary suspect: "According to police, the suspect fled the home and began yelling at a man in a car, who happened to be lost and pulled over on the road to use his GPS device. The driver also happened to be armed with a gun, which police said he was legally allowed to posses. Police said the suspect moved closed to the vehicle, and the driver fired three rounds, hitting the suspect. When officers arrived, they found the driver detaining the suspect, who was bleeding on the ground. The suspect suffered non life-threatening wounds, but underwent surgery at the hospital. Officers said the man who shot the suspect will not be charged because he acted in self defense."

United Nations gun grabbers at it again: "The despots, thugs, scoundrels, punks and various crooks at the United Nations have it all wrong again. Imagine that. Though the details have yet to be released, the U.N. wants to try to force strict small-arms control on the world under the pretense (lie) that such restrictions will make it tougher for terrorists and other assorted subhuman scum to get their hands on guns. How is that working in Mexico, boys and girls? If the U.N. had a clue or truly cared about preventing terrorists and other human garbage from wreaking havoc, it would admit to the facts and propose making it easier for law-abiding citizens to get their hands on guns so that they would have the means to cause said human vermin to assume room temperature. But instead of promoting freedom and the right to self-defense, the U.N. punks want to force unarmed helplessness on people across the planet by advocating an international agreement on guns."

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