Monday, April 30, 2012

TX: Knife threat ended by two gunshots: "Officers learned that Lewis Hampton, a white male age 41, had threatened several people with a large knife.  One white male, who was threatened by Hampton, had a handgun in his possession.  He confronted Hampton in an effort to protect himself and others.  Hampton continued to use the knife and continued to threaten the victim and others.  Hampton eventually cut the victim with the knife at which point the victim shot Hampton.  After being shot, Hampton continued to verbally threaten and attack him.  The victim shot Hampton again.  At this point, other people were able to subdue Hampton until Tyler Police arrived.  Hampton was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for two gunshot wounds.  The victim was also transported to a local hospital where he was treated and released for several knife wounds.  Investigators were called to the scene as well as the Crime Scene Unit to process the scene.  Investigators believe at this point that the victim was acting in self-defense."

PA:  Stick-up of State Senator enlivens minds of legislators:  "State Sen. Tim Solobay, D-46, Canonsburg, became the target of four young men in September 2010 while he walked in downtown Harrisburg at about 11:30 p.m. Solobay, who has a concealed carry permit but was not armed at the time, was jostled and confronted by the teens, who demanded money.  Two of the teens ran off when Solobay pushed them, but one pulled a gun as Solobay got into his car. Solobay, a fire chief and former constable, hit the siren in his car and the gunman ran away. "I carry (a gun) all the time now," Solobay said. "It's very unusual if it's not on me."  Solobay said legislators are walking in pairs or groups, and some female colleagues are taking shooting lessons so they are ready to use a weapon."

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