Monday, July 01, 2013

Australia:Judge praises boy who shot mother's attacker

The State Coroner has today praised a 12-year-old boy for shooting dead a convicted criminal who was attacking his mother in their Coburg home.

Judge Ian Gray said the boy was defending his mother and had "acted bravely and for purely protective reasons" when he shot and killed Ayhan Ferman on May 22, 2010.

Judge Gray said the Office of Public Prosecutions had decided not to charge the boy, known only as SA, because he had shot Mr Ferman in self defence.
"It is clear that young SA acted in defence of his mother and for no other reason," the coroner said today in his findings into Mr Ferman's death.

"His mother was clearly the subject of a serious assault by Mr Ferman before young SA shot at him.

"SA, who is now 14, is entitled to be told that the court recognises that his action, in the heat of the moment, was quick thinking, brave and legally justified.

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