Saturday, July 06, 2013

MILLER: The American Gun Owner - Saves a neighbor’s family from home invader

Shortly after Bruce Abbott bought his Ruger Redhawk 44 magnum revolver 30 years ago, he was forced to use it to defend his neighbor’s wife and children under attack from a masked, home invader. He has kept it nearby ever since.
This is part two in a new series called “The American Gun Owner.” My purpose is to illuminate the positives of gun ownership that are rarely seen in the media. (Click here to read part one: The American Gun Owner - A brother with Down Syndrome.)

Mr. Abbott, 61, lives in a rural part of Maine. He owns about 25 firearms.  He is working on getting back the carry permit he let lapse due to recent mass shootings.
The incident that cemented his belief in how gun ownership makes us all safer occurred in the mid 1980s. His neighbor, a long-distance trucker, was often away from home. One night,  an intruder wearing a Darth Vader mask ripped the phone lines off the trucker’s house and trapped the wife, and two small children inside.  “There were no cell phones back then,” noted Mr. Abbott.
At about 1:30 a.m., while the perpetrator was banging on the windows in the back of the house, the neighbor’s wife grabbed her kids and ran across the street, banging on the Abbotts’ front door. Mr. Abbott’s wife Linda called the sheriff’s office, while Mr. Abbott grabbed a flashlight and his Ruger. At the time, Mr. Abbott was a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve.

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