Monday, July 08, 2013

“Percent Of People Who Will Commit Murder?”

Someone stopped by searching for “percent of people who will commit murder.”
That varies widely between societies, and within the same society depending on conditions. In particular, the incidence of murder declines as the population ages, so an older population will have a much lower murder rate. And while I could load this post up with graphics, I see little point since murder rates vary so widely between societies. And that being the case, the best I can do is to give the maximum and minimum – and the percentage for the United States.
The major factors involved in murder rates are toleration for crime; median age of males in that society; and the accessibility of the most effective means of self defense.

The societies with the very lowest murder rates on record were very intolerant toward crime and criminals, tended to “mature late,” and were very heavily armed. In those societies approximately three male individuals per million population between the ages of 16 and 34, plus one female individual in four million in that same age range, plus 1 individual in 1,350,000 outside that age range murdered someone each year, for a total of approximately four murders per million population per year. That is a rate of 0.4 murders per 100,000 population, incidentally. And when all factors are taken into account, approximately 72 out of every million population would commit murder during their lifetime.

Excluding genocide and democide, societies with the very highest murder rates on record share a great tolerance for crime and criminals; in the rare case where they were not controlled by criminals. Those societies tend to “mature,” take up a criminal lifestyle, early in life, and the criminals are very heavily armed while the general population is deliberately and totally disarmed. Bolshevik Russia and modern Venezuela are examples. In the worst of those societies, as many as 3000 of every million males between the ages of 15 and 33 will commit murder in any given year, along with 525 females in that population group, plus enough outside that age group to total 4500 to 4750 murders per million population per year. When all factors are taken into account, more than 95,000 of every million population will commit murder.

More at Extrano's Alley Here

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like having old fashioned values (not tolerating crime and criminal actions), kids being kids (not growing up too fast), accepting that a society has the right to self defense, makes for a much better and safer community to live in. The same things work no matter which generation it is or which century it is. How can the majority be convinced? Keep up the good message.


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