Saturday, September 07, 2013

OH:Oberlin must stop Infringements on Carry of Guns

City Council is reluctantly mulling a change to its law that prevents firearms in city parks, as it conflicts with an Ohio statute that permits guns in most public places, including parks. If City Council does not rescind the measure, gun owners can take the city to court. Cleveland lost a similar fight over a guns-rights issue in 2010.


 In 2007, Cleveland sued Ohio, claiming that the state law involving guns was unconstitutional because it infringed on Cleveland's home-rule authority, or its ability to adopt and enforce its local laws. Three years later, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled against the city, saying the law was constitutional.

 More Here

1 comment:

  1. From today, more about this:

    State law vs. local law: Gun owners plan picnic in public park -

    OBERLIN — A number of gun owners will bring their handguns to the city’s parks today despite pleas from City Council and some local residents who say there is no place for guns in Oberlin. - See more at:


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