Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dave Workman: Is Justice Dept. choking gun dealers with ‘Operation Choke Point?’

Just when it appears the Obama administration can’t move without revealing another scandal, various news agencies are reporting that a Justice Department program dubbed “Operation Choke Point” is now under scrutiny, and yesterday, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) revealed that it “has been investigating the possible role of the federal government in influencing banks in their lending and business banking relationship decisions regarding companies” in the firearms industry.

In a statement released yesterday, NSSF said it is “is unacceptable…to discriminate against businesses simply because they are engaged in the lawful commerce of firearms, an activity protected by the Second Amendment.” That came as the Wall Street Journal was reporting that Capitol Hill Republicans were alleging that “the government has pressured banks to stop handling payments for merchants deemed as high risk—including gun dealers, short-term lenders and credit-repair programs—punishing good actors along with bad ones.”

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1 comment:

  1. Dean,

    Great post. Please send me an email when you get a chance - thanks.

    bluegrassbruce8 AT gmail dot com.


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