Thursday, July 23, 2015

Average Mass Shooting Stopped by Police vs. Mass Shooting Stopped by Civilians

Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics

July 31st, 2012   Submitted by Davi Barker

Firearm prohibitionists love to use tragedy to leverage their agenda. So, it’s important for gun rights advocates to stand their ground and fire back (proverbially) whenever this happens.

I posted a graphic on Facebook claiming the average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 18.25, and the average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by civilians is 2.2. I based it on 10 shootings I found listed on some timeline somewhere. I honestly don’t even remember where. I presented the case studies in a blog post on the Silver Circle blog and I did the math myself.

The graphic was met with great enthusiasm and much skepticism. Leave it to Facebook users to demand an audit on a meme. So, I started over, only much more meticulous this time. I compiled and analyzed 100 shootings, noting my methodology, and I am now prepared to present my findings, complete with links to the data. But here’s a spoiler… It’s not that different.

The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29

The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.33

More Here


  1. do your numbers include the shooter?

    some of those mass shooting statistics like to include the perpetrator in the "number killed" statistics to make it sounds even more sensational and inflate numbers for the gun grabbers. Just wondering if you were able to correct for that.

  2. Who woulda thunk the obvious? NO offense by the obvious comment, just makes sense that an armed citizen would and could be on scene and not 10-15 minutes away. I appreciate your work and your efforts. Obviously a good American.

  3. That makes it about a 7 to 1 ratio of citizens doing a better job than the police. Just proves the saying when seconds are important the police are only minutes away.

  4. this is not logically correct. police is a professional and they can deal in this matter in a better way. this is just an update by guns lover.

  5. this is not logically correct. police is a professional and they can deal in this matter in a better way. this is just an update by guns lover.

  6. police are great at what they're intended for - to show up after the fact and file reports.

  7. Steve...
    Let's hypothesize that you and I are out on a short shopping trip, and your wife is left home alone, and I happen to be carrying legally.
    As we reach your home, we enter to find your wife being raped by one member of a gang of four.
    Would you like me to stop the rape, or would you rather call 911?

  8. Well let us just consider Steve is a little light on reality. I have worked around police that I should have shot. Maybe Steve has not seen the video of the LA police trying to stop a bank robbery. What was it, 300 cops shooting at the same time from less than 75 feet away and they could not bring down 4 bank robbers. At 75 feet I could have knocked down all 4 bank robbers with just 4 shots. Cops are great experts at carrying holstered guns and filling out paper work and don't forget how important that chalk they carry is. You know, the chalk they carry to out line the bodies when they don't get there soon enough. When the cops could not manage to shoot the bank robbers they finally ran them down with a police cruiser. I think a ratio of 7 to 1 speaks volumes. I think I would need a piece of chalk if I found 4 people in my home. chalk does not show up well on the grass so I would not let them get out side. Ever dial 911 and get put on hold? Steve go back to bed You may have a doctors appointment tomorrow to cat scan your head.

  9. Hi. Very interesting information. Thank you for this!
    People must understand: honest citizens armed are the best way to keep crime and lunatics away.

  10. Could we please get an update on this with more up to date information including the recent mass shootings

  11. I'm awesome with a 6 shooter. The cops need pistols and m16s before they can do a darn thing.

  12. Do you think that the police all the time have the rights to stopping peoples just they think about them , in my country for no reason you may got arrested . I my self arrested one time because i don't carry identity where i walk beside my street



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