Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hollywood Think Tank Offers “Firearm Depiction Suggestions,” Critics Call Foul

Is Hollywood indoctrinating audiences to view guns as dangerous? At times, some would say that it seems that way. Recently, attention has been drawn to the Entertainment Industries Council (EIC), a non-profit organization with the mission of providing “information, awareness and understanding of major health and social issues” among the entertainment industries and to audiences. The organization’s stated goal is the accurate depiction of these issues in Hollywood and beyond, and it bills itself as a resource to writers, directors, and producers. However, the organization recently earned the ire of some gun rights advocates after The Daily Caller pointed out that EIC offers a list of firearm “depiction suggestions” on its website. Second Amendment advocates and groups, such as the NRA, accused the lengthy list as propaganda that demonizes guns and gun ownership.

Here are a few of the entries of that list from the EIC website:

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1 comment:

  1. Many of Hollywood guns are made of hard rubber or plastic.
    Someone bought one of the fake Movie AR-15 and paid $500.

    Other props don't fire, that flash is added in editing.


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