Friday, August 17, 2018

IA: Officer says Surge of Self Defense Shootings Unusual

The shooting late Saturday is one of three justified homicides reported in Des Moines' city limits in the last three months.

In July, a burglar was shot and killed at Kraft Imports and Five Star Muffler on the city's south side. In June, Jerry Goff was killed after a domestic dispute at a home in the 600 block of 38th Street.

Parizek said the increase in justified homicides is out of the ordinary.

"Usually when you see these, you see maybe one every couple of years or something like that and the overwhelming majority of justifiable self-defense homicides are police shootings,” he said.
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1 comment:

  1. "Parizek said the increase in justified homicides is out of the ordinary."

    May I offer this explanation - People are tired of being attacked, and are now defending themselves.


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