Monday, November 09, 2020

Update on Arizona Presidential Election Status 8 November, 2020

Image from Arizona Secretary of State Website, Cropped and scaled by Dean Weingarten

Much of the future of the gun culture and the Second Amendment will depend on the ongoing elections and vote count. 

As I live in Arizona, I thought this update would be of interest.

As of Sunday morning, 8 November, 2020:

In Arizona, the counting continues to a razor's edge finish. With about 97% of the votes counted, candidate Biden continues to maintain a fragile lead over President Donald Trump.

President Trump has 1,612,585 votes counted so far, in the uncertified total. 

Candidate Biden has  1,631,195 votes counted so far, in the uncertified total. 

Candidate Jorgensen has 49,406 votes counted so far, in the uncertified total. 

There are about 100,000 votes yet to be counted. 

President Trump will need to have 59.5% of those votes to obtain a more votes than candidate Biden.  

That is very close to the percentage of the late votes that have been for President Trump.

The Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen, was clearly the spoiler in this race. The vast majority of Libertarian votes would come from otherwise small government Republicans. There are no small government Democrats. 

The State is almost certain to have a challenge of the votes cast. 

There is likely to be a recount, especially of paper ballots. 

Dean Weingarten





  1. Don't bet on Biden being a sure win. The race has not been certified yet by the electoral college. Not to mention that there's been a LOT of shenanigans from the left-hand side. Rudy Giuliani is working hard to launch multi-state lawsuits to find out where all of those random middle-of-the-night-votes showed up that flipped multiple swing states for Biden.

  2. The libertarian candidate this year was much worse choice than Gary Johnson in 2016. Johnson took far more small government republicans votes. I don't begrudge anyone to vote for who they want. Republicans need to do a better job of earning more votes from *ALL* voters. That's how elections are won. Thanks for your analysis on the status of Arizona.

  3. Wave good bye to them now..It's only a matter of time..R.I.P The american way


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