Tuesday, November 02, 2021

FL: Wrongful Death Suit Dismissed; Homicide was Justifiable

Circuit Judge Blake Adams dismissed a wrongful death suit on Friday, filed by the family of David Norgard, 24, of Golden Gate Estates, who died after he sustained two gunshot wounds to the chest near 16th Avenue Southwest and 23rd Street Southwest around 9 p.m. March 1, 2019.

The shooter was cleared of criminal wrongdoing a few months after the incident by the sheriff’s and state attorney’s offices. Both entities stated Norgard’s death was a justifiable homicide based on Stand Your Ground law.

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1 comment:

  1. The family is always sure that he was a "good boy" who didn't do anything. They are always sure that the "other guy" could have done something else. They always ignore the alcohol, drugs, or past aggressive behavior.

    It must be a law of nature or something.


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