Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Gun maker not liable in NJ cop shooting: "Two former New Jersey police officers shot by a felon three years aren't entitled to damages from the company that made the gun he used. That's the ruling issued yesterday by a West Virginia judge. Dave Lemongello and Kenneth McGuire, who both served with the Orange police force, had sued Connecticut-based Sturm, Ruger and Company, the country's largest firearms maker, and a West Virginia pawnshop. The officers claimed they deserved damages because a Ruger handgun sold at the shop had been used to shoot them in January 2001. But the judge says the company didn't violate its duty to exercise reasonable care in selling its product. The officers had previously reached a one (m) million dollar settlement with the pawnshop."

Gun control pros and cons charge up 'Freedom Forum': "A discussion of gun violence and gun control elicited tears, angry words and extra security Wednesday night. In a "Freedom Forum" on gun safety at Salt Lake City's Main Library, family members and friends shared their pain at losing loved ones. Gun owners accused gun-control advocates of trying to take away their rights. And police patrolled the forum, "just to make sure passions don't get out of hand," said police chief Rick Dinse, who participated in the panel discussion. They didn't. But by the comments from the audience, neither did the participants find common ground."

Government not really interested in preventing gun deaths: "Inner city groups set up to steer young people away from guns and gangs say they are facing a crisis through a lack of basic funding. Some of the groups existed before the New Year shootings of Letisha Shakespeare and Charlene Ellis while others were launched in the wake of the city's reaction to spiralling gun violence. They include Partnership Against Crime, launched by Olympic gold medallist Linford Christie, Parents United, Young Disciples, Men to Men Mission and Families for Peace.They were meant to work together in a consortium called Prospects Unlimited which was funded by the city council.But a spokesman for Parents United said funding had run out for their group."

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