Monday, November 22, 2004

"9/11" bill leads to national ID cards: "I've come to appreciate Gun Owners of America over the past year. They continually and faithfully send me information on legislation at the state and federal levels that is harmful or has the potential to be harmful to our Liberty or Freedom. ... This is a huge concern because these federal standards can easily be used by a future Hillary Clinton administration to keep certain groups of people (such as gun owners) from receiving these National ID cards."

UN hates private gun ownership: "The U.N. has defined arms control as keeping guns out of the hands of non-government individuals because they want to protect the "integrity" of existing governments, no matter how murderous those governments might be. "Human rights" is a cynical phrase used by the U.N. to get the Dan Rathers of the world to retail their propaganda to the gullible. At the U.N. there is no human right to self-defense.

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