Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The 'gun problem': "In the wake of another school shooting by another sociopathic teenager, Second Amendment opponents are again out in force attempting to convert the blood of innocents into political capital for gun confiscation. .... In an observation typical of the gun confiscation crowd's Leftmedia trucklings, Washington Post Deputy Editor Colbert King posed this loaded question: "What about the guns that take away the life?"'Gun problem," "gun violence" and "guns that take away the life"? Like Barnes and Havelin, King insists that the problem is guns and that confiscating guns will solve the problem. But Barnes, Havelin and King, like most Leftists, display a chronic disconnect with reality. The "problem" in Red Lake, Minnesota (nine dead), is similar to that which visited Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (thirteen dead), back in 1999.What was the problem? Leftists brace yourself: It was not a gun problem, but a culture problem."

Wisconsin hotel massacre victims had no right to carry: "Seven people gunned down Mar. 12 by a man who then turned the firearm on himself were victims not only of the gunman, but also of the failure of the Wisconsin legislature to pass a concealed carry statute by override when they had a chance, gun rights activists have argued. Late in 2003, anti-gun Gov. Jim Doyle, a Democrat, vetoed legislation that would have established concealed carry for Wisconsin residents. When the legislature tried to override Doyle's veto, they fell just one vote short. That vote was cast by a Democrat, Rep. Gary Sherman, who had co-sponsored the legislation, but switched at the last minute to oppose the measure."

Arm the Darfurians: "The slaughter, rape and torment of the citizens of Darfur would end if humanitarian aid included guns. Darfur is a Texas-size region of Sudan. The Sudanese government and its militia proxies have killed roughly 70,000 civilians, raped and mutilated untold numbers of others and caused about 3 million refugees to live in camps. ... I always wondered why there was no mention of the victims fighting back. 'Some do defend themselves,' said Bill Garvelink, acting assistant administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance in the U.S. Agency for International Development. The United States has given about $600 million since 2003. 'But Sudan has helicopters and AK-47s. People in the camps have machetes,' Garvelink said. International treaties covering humanitarian aid prohibit giving any side arms to defend oneself; otherwise no aid workers would be allowed to bring in supplies to a troubled region."

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