Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Some might say shooting is a mans sport, but, to that Bruce Wells with the Gateway Rifle Pistol Club says, "Absolutely not."

There is something about guns, that most people don't associate with women. "We're raised to cook and clean, and work and raise children, and safety just isn't our number one priority usually," said Christine Peacock. It's exactly the perception one criminal had when he tried to rob Peacock Thursday night while she was going through a fast food drive-thru. She, along with the robbery suspect, learned quickly the power of having a gun in a scary situation. "That I could pull it, and use it as force," she said. It just so happens she was in her boyfriend's car, along with his gun. Something she didn't necessarily agree with. "I didn't believe that everybody should carry a gun at all times. I thought it was too overprotective," she said.

"I have seen a big increase of women buying more guns, and not necessarily for self defense, but for enjoyment," said Wells. He's seen a great increase of women purchasing guns, but, it's not for reasons you may think. It seems some women get a kick out of the sport of handling a gun. "This lady was ordering about a $2,000 to $3,000 AR-15, because she enjoyed shooting that much," said Wells of a woman he encountered at gun shop. He says, "The women have really taken off and done well in the shooting sports."

Christine may not decide to become a master rifleman, but, her days of traveling unarmed are over. "I plan on enrolling in a concealed weapons permit class, and purchasing my own gun, having one with me at all times."


Machine-gun fiesta: "It sounded more like what would be heard around the war zones of Baghdad or Mosul in Iraq rather than rural Wyandotte. On Saturday, more than 200 avid machine gun enthusiasts from around the nation gathered for the fourth annual Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show -- and brought with them a full arsenal of fully-automatic weapons. Featuring everything from mini-guns to MG-42s to AR-50s to Quad 50s, the auto shoot drew crowds of nearly 1,500 spectators who, setting up lawn chairs in the shade, sat back and watched the bullets fly. Positioned under a long line of tents atop a ridge, the shooters fired down into an assortment of targets including cars, trucks, buses, washing machines and even a small airplane. Explosions resounded throughout the hills as hot lead tore through car metal and set off "fuel bombs" that were placed in some of the vehicles. "It just keeps getting better and better every year," smiled Mike Friend, owner of "The Firing Line" and co-organizer of the event. "People that own stuff like this need a place to shoot and we feel like we've got a good, safe place for them to do that." Co-organizer DeWayne Convirs, who owns both "The Bunker" army surplus store and the land used for the auto shoot, said the number of people who want to come out and watch the machine guns blaze gets bigger every time. "This is twice the attendance we saw last year," Convirs remarked."

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