Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Seven years ago, I came face to face with a masked man in an alley as I left work. He had a gun and a desire to do me no good! What if the gun control advocates had their way? How would I have fared that night? Considering that, I was cornered and unable to flee, or face my assailant on equal terms I might not be writing this at all. I might very well be a statistic.

Fortunately, for me the laws in Texas DO allow its residents to be armed. I was able, although cornered to have an equal footing. Because I was armed, and prepared, my attacker decided that his intentions were not worth dealing with my Colt.45. One criminal running away and one innocent, law-abiding citizen safe seems like a pretty good end does it not.

Not according to gun control advocates. According to their desires, I should have been forced to run instead of facing down the miscreant criminal. Got that? If you are minding your own business and are assaulted or threatened by a violent criminal the gin control crowd wants the onus to be on you to flee, or retreat, or do anything EXCEPT stand your ground with a firearm.

How morally and intellectually backwards can these folks be to adopt such an indefensible position? The duty and perfect right of a law-abiding citizen is to defend themselves with deadly force if need be against criminals. That is the essence of the disagreement between the opposing sides on gun control.

Forget the gun control advocates impassioned pleas for a �safer� nation. Guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans have proven to decrease violent crime time and again. It is not violent crime the gun control advocates have issue with. It is, instead, the right for us to defend ourselves.

For some definitive evidence of this consider a recently passed law in Florida that allows citizens to stand their ground and use deadly force when assaulted on the street or any other location other than their home. Gun control advocates were incensed that such a law could pass. In their ideology you, the law-abiding must run, even if it puts you at greater risk, rather than use your gun to stop the criminal who is trying to rob, rape, or kill you or your family.

More here

The Truth About Guns: "Since taking our handgun safety class and qualifying for concealed-carry permits, we have had several opportunities to talk with people about guns. Not formal presentations; just shooting the breeze, so to speak. In our last article, we speculated about the deep seated fears many harbor about guns. In this column we're going to talk about the response from a few "ordinary people" who aren't necessarily pro- or anti-gun, they just don't think about the subject much. As a result, they tend to rely on an un-examined belief that's invariably associated with guns. It's seldom directly articulated but you can hear it implied in their tone of voice when they say "Oh, you like guns" as though they were saying, "Oh, you eat babies for lunch." Consider one person who stated, as though everybody knew, that "People who carry guns are macho, people who need to abuse power." Then, without skipping a beat, he said, "... except for the people I know who carry guns; those are really nice people who are responsible about it, and in fact, very low key.""

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