Tuesday, January 17, 2006

NE: Some want charges against store owner who shot robbers: "Some midtown neighbors want a business owner arrested following a fatal robbery last month. David Kline was shooting at two robbery suspects who ran from his Hamilton Outlet Tobacco store, near 41st and Hamilton streets. Police said that during the gun battle, a robber's bullet killed store employee Sham Journey, 24, who was outside, too. Two people are under arrest. Omari Manuel, 23, and Herbert Elliott, 22 are charged with first-degree murder. Some neighbors said Kline should be jailed, too. 'I just like to know if we should all go get us a gun to defend ourselves,' said the Rev. Les Jordan, who witnessed the incident from inside his nearby church. 'When I looked out the window, I saw the owner of the store here in the middle of the street positioning himself like this and shot his gun several shots in a row.'"

Switzerland:Government seeks EU-style victim disarmament: "The Swiss government on Wednesday recommended to parliament that all gun owners must obtain a permit. Bowing to resistance from lobby groups, the cabinet decided against a plan to create a central national weapons register. The cabinet said it was opposed to the database on the grounds that the time and effort it would require would greatly outweigh the benefit. If accepted by parliament, the amended law will bring Switzerland into line with the European Union's Schengen accord on cross-border crime, which Swiss voters agreed to sign up to last June. The agreement, which removes border controls between signatory states, lays down minimum requirements for acquiring and possessing firearms."

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