Friday, July 28, 2006

Treating symptoms doesn't keep patient from dying: "Congress doesn't need to act to protect the self-defense rights of citizens. The Second Amendment already does and THAT is the ultimate and final solution. If the American people continue to allow Congress to pass more 'new' legislation regarding restrictions, conditions or threatening to withhold funds regarding the Second Amendment, the end result will be more of the same. More anti-gun laws and more unconstitutional meddling by the federal machine. If we don't go after the solution, the problem will only continue to be treated with more 'pro' Second Amendment bills that are absolutely unnecessary; see here. How can you possibly expect to limit federal encroachment if you keep asking Congress to pass more laws? Think about it."

House votes to block "emergency" gun thefts: "The House voted Tuesday to prevent law enforcement officers from confiscating legally owned guns during a national disaster or emergency. ... The House voted 322-99 in support of the bill. Senators voted 84-16 earlier this month to include a similar prohibition in a homeland security funding bill. The limitation would apply to federal law enforcement or military officers, along with local police that receive federal funds. ... The Fraternal Order of Police endorsed the measure. ... 'A law-abiding citizen who possesses a firearm lawfully represents no danger to law enforcement officers or any other first responder,' Canterbury wrote. The National Rifle Association also supported the bill and has been asking police chiefs and mayors to pledge they will not forcibly disarm law-abiding citizens."

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