Wednesday, May 23, 2007

NY: Burglar shot by store owner: "A burglary suspect was shot by a store owner early Friday at 1144 E. Main St., according to Rochester police. ... The 58-year-old business owner reported a burglary at 1:50 a.m. after he was alerted by an alarm, said Rochester Police Officer Deidre Taccone. Police searched the building but found no suspects, Taccone said. The store owner repaired a door that was damaged in the break-in. While the owner waited for other police officers to arrive to search for evidence such as fingerprints, a 41-year-old man entered the store about 4:15 a.m., Taccone said. The store owner confronted the man and the intruder came at the store owner, she said. The business owner shot the man with a registered handgun and called 911."

Bent on evil: "For example, consider homicide rates not involving firearms. The U.S. statistics rank higher than many European countrys' total murder rates, while Mexico, the Philippines and Taiwan have no-gun homicide rates higher than the U.S. total murder rate. Furthermore, 27.2 percent of Swiss nationals own hundreds of thousands of fully automatic rifles in their homes as part of their national defense; Switzerland has a low firearm homicide rate. Yet Great Britain with its draconian gun laws has a higher firearm murder rate. In the long run, if potential mass killers didn't have access to firearms (an unlikely prospect even if the gun laws were changed) they would just turn to other weapons to commit their crime, a bomb being a likely choice."

UT: Armed pharmacist stops robbery in progress: "Police say a 35-year-old Salt Lake man didn't really have a gun when he walked into a pharmacy and handed an employee a note demanding painkillers. But a pharmacy co-worker did. ... A pharmacy worker told police the man handed her a note stating 'This is a robbery. Give me 2 bottles of Oxycontin ... Do NOT make a scene and no one will get hurt. I have a gun.' ... another pharmacy co-worker showed his gun, and the suspect attempted to flee. The suspect, however, 'deferred to suggestions' made by a passer-by armed with a golf club to wait for police, according to the charging documents."

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