Tuesday, January 22, 2008

FL: "Sweetest, kindest gentleman" shoots suspect : "A white-haired 85-year-old man, rushing to his son's defense, shot and wounded a would-be car thief Monday morning in Little Havana, Miami police said. The suspect, Norberto Fernandez, 29, had been trying to steal Jorge Jauregui's white Honda Accord in front of his house, 1368 SW 14th St. Jorge Jauregui, 50, armed with a handgun, ordered Fernandez out of the car, police said. I don't care," responded the alleged thief, according to Miami police spokesman William Moreno. The two engaged in a "vicious fight," Moreno said. Then his father, Florentino Jauregui, also armed, rushed out of the house and "fearing his grandson was being overpowered," shot and wounded Fernandez, Moreno said."

FL: Homeowner shoots burglar: "A homeowner shot a burglary suspect who was trying to break into his home early today, the Bartow Police Department said. Police said their preliminary investigation indicates the suspect, 37-year-old Shaun Lynn Hause, had reached into the victim's residence via a broken window in the door. The homeowner saw Hause's hand on the door knob and fired a shotgun."

SAF applauds DC court dismissal of lawsuit against gun industry: "The Second Amendment Foundation today applauded the unanimous ruling by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals that dismissed a lawsuit against 25 gun manufacturers filed by the district and families of nine gun crime victims in the city. The lawsuit was filed in January 2000, but according to the opinion written by Associate Judge Michael William Farrell, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 required the court to dismiss the case. SAF founder Alan Gottlieb said the ruling was proper, and recalled that it was municipal lawsuits like this which led to passage of the federal legislation in the first place. At one time, several cities filed a string of junk lawsuits against gun makers, and SAF actually filed counter suits against big city mayors who launched the legal attack. SAF was not a participant in this litigation. "We're proud of the tenacity shown by American firearms makers, and their refusal to be bullied by this kind of legal harassment," Gottlieb stated. "Such lawsuits threaten the gun rights of all law-abiding citizens by posing a threat to the very life of the nation's firearms industry. It is no secret that such lawsuits have been launched not simply to blame gun companies for out-of-control crime, but to put them out of business through a financial and legal war of attrition."

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