Thursday, April 16, 2009

MD: Family nabs gunman in home invasion: "Jacqueline Frisby was hanging out at her neighbor's home last week when two masked men charged into the living room, guns drawn and demanding "the money and the drugs." "We kept saying there's no money, nobody here does drugs," a still shaken Frisby said. "I thought they were playing a joke until the guy with the (handgun) stuck the gun to our heads and threatened to kill us right there." Risking their lives, the two men living in the home wrestled with the gunmen and won a brawl that eventually included a baseball bat and shots fired. One robber fled but the other was pinned to the floor until police arrived. "All I have to say is thank you Glen Burnie (High School) wrestling. It saved me for real," said the younger man, who asked not to be named out of fear of retaliation. The home invasion was the second in Glen Burnie on April 8, and the 14th time in the last seven months that county police have said robbers burst into homes and apartments across Glen Burnie and Severn".

MO House clears students' right to carry on campus: "A move to allow concealed weapons on college campuses is dividing administrators and their students. The State House is on its way to approving an amendment to allow college students to carry guns, with a conceal and carry permit. But school administrators say it would make their campuses less safe. If a deranged shooter was able to make way into a campus building, the idea is that students themselves -- and not campus police -- could be the first line of defense. "It can make those campuses safer because there's a possibility that a student can help assist in taking care of the issue before more people are killed or hurt," said student Nathan Starmer, a college Republican who supports the change. Starmer said the ban ignores reality, because anyone who wants a weapon, will carry one. "I think campus officials would be surprised at the amount of students who have weapons and who keep them, don't show them," Starmer said."

Armed America: Behind a broadening run on guns: “What do an elderly Oklahoma homeowner, a Virginia Citizen Militia member, and a Texas airline pilot all have in common these days? They’re all part of America’s massive gun-and-ammunition buying spree — a national arming-up effort that began before last year’s election of President Obama and continues unabated … it has led to shortages of assault-style weapons, rising prices, and a broadening of gun culture to increasingly include older Americans, women and — gasp — liberals …The causes are varied — from fears over crime, both rational and irrational, to the concern that 2nd Amendment rights will be curtailed … it presents a snapshot of a country that has historically turned to powder and balls in times of turmoil.”

ABC’s anti-gun bias revealed in 20/20 anti-gun hit piece: “New information has surfaced about the depth of bias that surfaced on ABC’s 20/20 hit piece that aired Friday, April 10 with Diane Sawyer as the host.The [NSSF] revealed Monday that it had been ‘asked numerous times by 20/20 Senior Producer Muriel Pearson to participate in the story, but understanding the piece was a set-up, we refused.’ NSSF is a firearms industry umbrella group that offers education about firearms safety and programs including ‘Don’t Lie for the Other Guy,’ aimed at helping the industry deter illegal straw purchases. Its biggest annual effort is the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, a huge exhibition of new products in the shooting, hunting and law enforcement fields.”

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