Monday, May 11, 2009

Why no-one robs stores in Israel

TX: Armed citizen takes out tires as shoplifters flee: “An armed citizen with a ‘concealed-carry’ handgun license shot out a tire on a car full of fleeing shoplifters, then followed them in his own vehicle Wednesday morning, helping Azle police apprehend four people who were subsequently charged with robbery. … Four accused shoplifters had been spotted by employees of Albertsons grocery store and were attempting a getaway with less than $50 worth of miscellaneous items when they were spotted by a citizen in the parking lot. … The fleeing driver seemed to be headed straight for the citizen, who fired at the vehicle, striking a front tire. Another citizen called 911 and reported ‘an undercover officer shooting at someone who tried to run him down,’ Myers said. That ‘undercover officer,’ it was later discovered, was the armed citizen, Myers said.”

Two stories from college, two different endings: “There have been two markedly different tales of violence and bloodshed from two different college towns that ended two different ways, reflecting the vast differences in culture and the gaping chasm that exists between the political correctness of the gun-free zone mentality and the common sense of being prepared. Story #1 comes from Middletown, CT, where 21-year-old Johanna Justin-Jinich will not see another birthday because a man identified by police as Stephen Morgan shot her dead on May 6 at an off-campus bookstore cafe. … Story #2, from College Place, GA where ten college students were celebrating a birthday party at an off-campus apartment early on May 3 when two thugs came crashing in. One of these gentlemen was later identified by police as 23-year-old Calvin Lavant Jr., and he will not be doing home invasion robberies anymore.”

Indiana: Gun stops hit/run driver: "Two young girls, sisters, were in critical condition late Thursday after being run down earlier in the evening while crossing the street arm-in-arm after playing with friends. The driver reportedly attempted to flee, but was stopped at gunpoint by a man who witnessed the accident. According to witnesses, the two girls, ages 4 and 6, were crossing 11th Street at Dodge Street about 7:18 p.m. when a man traveling west on 11th in a blue Chevrolet Lumina struck both of them at about 40 mph. "No sooner had they crossed the street than I heard tires lock up and, 'Boom! Boom!,'" said Alan Knepp, who was standing just up the street when the girls were hit. Knepp said the younger girl passed quickly beneath the vehicle, but her older sister rode the hood for several seconds before falling beneath the front end and then under both driver's side tires. The girls behind him, the driver then hit the gas, witnesses said, but stopped when Knepp, who was legally carrying a gun, jumped in front of the vehicle and trained his weapon on it. Approached by Knepp, the driver reportedly said the girls had jumped out in front of him. He then handed his keys to Knepp and stood silently next to his vehicle until police arrived. The girls, meanwhile, lay nearly lifeless in the road, witnesses said. The younger one initially was not breathing, and the older one's limbs and neck were badly twisted. Both girls were rushed by ambulance to Memorial Hospital in South Bend with critical injuries, Mishawaka police Capt. Pasquale Rulli said. One was immediately admitted into surgery, he said, and the other flown to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis."

OH: Toledo Mayor tells residents police can’t protect them: "“When word of significant cuts to the Toledo police force first came out, one senior police officer issued the following recommendation to city residents: ‘Buy guns. Invest in precious metals: lead, gun power and brass.’ And now, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is admitting the reason why this is such good advice: ‘Violent crimes, shootings, are not ever prevented by the presence of a police officer, no matter how many thousands of police officers you have.’ Saturday, May 2 marked the first full day since 75 Toledo police officers turned in their badges and guns, and according to the Toledo Blade, word of the significant cuts in the Toledo police force is on the street.”

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