Monday, November 09, 2009

Would an army base be a gun-free zone?

Most people would laugh at that question -- but they forget the Leftist influence

A gun-free zone at Ft. Hood: "With the massacre at Ft. Hood, we once again see the consequences of gun control. Remember what the gun controllers say: that once gun control is imposed, would-be murderers will obey the gun-control law by resorting to some other form of murder. At least the killers won’t use a gun, the gun-controllers exclaim, because gun possession is now against the law.”

Fort Hood: Death by gun control: "Yesterday at Fort Hood, disgruntled Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 12 soldiers and wounded 31 others before being shot and captured. These soldiers were entrusted to carry fully automatic, military assault rifles when deployed to Afghanistan, where the shooter was about to be sent. But in America, these same soldiers are disarmed when on base. From the Associated Press: ‘Soldiers at Fort Hood don’t carry weapons unless they are doing training exercises.’”

Army to review gun policies for all bases: "One day after a shooter opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, Army Chief of Staff George W. Casey Jr. ordered a review of all force protection policies at Army bases worldwide. Thursday’s shooting, he said during a briefing at Fort Hood, was a ‘kick in the gut.’ Casey’s announcement comes after questions were raised about base security and why soldiers couldn’t protect themselves where they live and work.”

Arm our soldiers: "In my last article I described what it’s like on Fort Hood, as well as all U.S. Army installations. It’s like Chicago. The only people armed are the post law enforcement agency such as Military Police or the Federal Police and those intent on criminal activity. Soldiers are not armed with loaded firearms ever, except during periodic weapons qualification. Private ownership of firearms is generally ok providing the firearm is locked up in a designated armory on post/base. The soldier does not have immediate access to their private firearms. Having a firearm in the sleeping quarters or military housing is against regulations and is subject to a court martial. The bottom line solution is simple, arm officers and non-commissioned officers with side arms.”

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