Thursday, December 17, 2009

LA: Man kills intruder: "St. Charles Parish Sheriff Greg Champagne says a homeowner shot and killed a burglar in St. Rose. 21-year-old Michael Cockerham died on the scene. ‘Cockerham allegedly kicked down victim’s rear door to his residence while armed with a semiauto hand gun. Victim observed a laser light from what he believed to be a weapon shine through the opening of the damaged doorway at which time the homeowner fired a single shot from his weapon at the intruder,’ Captain Pat Yoes said in a news release. He says they have not filed any charges against the homeowner.”

MA: Road-rager gets shot: "The Porsche-driving, privileged scion of a national real estate magnate will be spinning his wheels under 24-hour house arrest after turning himself in yesterday for the road-rage shooting of a Milton firefighter. “He’s frail. You wouldn’t classify him as a tough guy,” Peter O’Connell, 66, told a Quincy District Court judge of his son and business partner Robert O’Connell, 40... Fasano remains hospitalized in critical condition. His girlfriend, Jennifer Bynarowicz, 34, told detectives the couple were returning from a family birthday party Saturday when a Porsche cut off her Jeep Grand Cherokee, which Fasano was driving. After finding $200 cash and “a small amount of cocaine” in the Jeep - and fearing Fasano was dying - police pressed him for a statement. He told them through tortured breaths he had been tailgating the Porsche when it suddenly braked in front of him. He admitted stepping out to confront the other driver, according to court records. Fasano, a Marine veteran, was arrested in 2007 on abuse and threat charges when a former girlfriend accused him of tearing their Weymouth apartment to pieces in a drunken rage. The case was dismissed in exchange for Fasano attending Alcoholic Anonymous, but not before cops accused him in court papers of assailing them with expletives and sexual and racial epithets."

GA: Riders armed, bus crimes drop: "The Georgia legislature in 2008 allowed concealed weapons permit holders to carry concealed weapons on public transportation, despite objections from MARTA, the public transportation system in Atlanta. Beverly Scott, MARTA’s general manager, called the bill “vigilantism.” The law took effect in July 2008. “Since July of 2008, there have been no news stories of blazing gun battles on MARTA, which would surely have been newsworthy events,” Ed Stone wrote. The overall crime rate dropped 33 percent from fiscal 2006 to fiscal 2009 (the first year of the new law). There have been no murders, three rapes and a drop in robberies since the law took effect. Instead of Charles Bronson, the bus company got Fred Rogers. Once again, an armed populace is a safe one.

Does the Second Amendment apply in Chicago?: "Chicago currently maintains that the Second Amendment should have zero authority over its gun control regime, arguing that the city should enjoy ‘the greatest flexibility to create and enforce firearms policy’ and that ‘Firearms regulation is a quintessential issue on which state and local governments can ‘serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.” But of course the Supreme Court would never allow Chicago to try a novel ‘experiment’ like banning free speech, so why should the Second Amendment enjoy any less respect than the First Amendment does?”

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