Monday, October 25, 2010

Would-be salon robber shot by off-duty policewoman getting her hair done: "An off-duty New York City police officer foiled an armed heist while she was getting her hair done at a Brooklyn salon - trading bullets with a gunman in a spectacular shootout. Officer Feris Jones, 50, dodged three bullets fired at close range from a teenage gunman, but was not struck during the incident at the Fort Greene, Brooklyn, shop, police sources told the New York Post. Authorities today identified the suspect, who was still on the loose, as Winston Cox, 19, and said he was shot in either his right arm or thigh and may also have bandages on his hands. The wounded shooter fled the store with a few of the patrons' wallets, leaving a trail of blood in his wake."

Maine man shoots man who had assaulted him: "Two brothers, 21-year-old Derek Greene and 19-year-old Gage Greene, were walking past Holland's house on South Street when the younger brother exchanged words with him. Witnesses say the confrontation turned physical as Gage Greene shoved Holland. Holland pulled a handgun from his waistband and shot Gage Greene in the chest. Then Holland shot Derek Greene twice, in the chest and the abdomen, as he ran toward the spot where his younger brother had fallen. In prior interviews, and during a bail hearing last year, Strike indicated that Holland may have acted in self-defense and that he had reason to fear Derek and Gage Green. One prior confrontation between Holland and Derek Greene happened on May 12, 2009, about seven weeks before the shooting. Greene and a friend of his were arrested for allegedly assaulting Holland, and as part of his bail conditions, Greene was ordered to have no contact with Holland."

Gun fear is curable: "Jennifer Willis exhibited all the symptoms of hoplophobia in explaining her return to sanity in her article in Salon magazine, ‘I Was Anti-gun, Until I Got Stalked.’ ‘I’m afraid of guns … I abhor them. I used to date a guy who owned a handgun … I made him move [his] small gun safe … to another room …. ‘The idea of owning a gun made me sick to my stomach … I dreamed that people were pointing double-barreled shotguns at me.’ These are all classic symptoms of hopolophobia, defined by author and firearms instructor Colonel Jeff Cooper as ‘an unreasoning, obsessive neurotic fear of weapons as such, usually accompanied by an irrational feeling that weapons possess a will or consciousness for evil, apart from the will of their user.’”

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