Monday, January 17, 2011

La. man beat his father for drug money, gets shot: "A 31-year-old man who was shot by his father in self-defense was charged with second-degree battery after he allegedly beat his father in an attempt to force the father to give him money for drugs, according to the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office. On Nov. 9, Dominick Richard brutally beat his father when his father wouldn't give him money for drug, and then Richard knocked his father unconscious, according to police. "Upon awakening, Richard attempted to strike his father again," said sheriff's office spokeswoman Dawn Panepinto. "The father then armed himself with a gun and fired upon Richard in self defense. Richard was subsequently struck in the abdomen and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment." Richard was charged after he was treated and released from the hospital."

Retired Detroit Police Officer Involved In Shooting: "Sources told Local 4, seconds after the retired police officer had pulled into the parking lot of the party store; he was approached by an armed young man. Sources said the suspect is an 18-year-old black man who was trying to rob the retired officer. Acting quickly, the retired officer pulled out his own gun and shot and killed the suspect, sources said. The retired officer had worked for Detroit police for more than 20 years, sources said. No one else was hurt in the incident."

Michael Bloomberg, serial killer: "The easiest thing in the world to forget is how it felt to be poor. And if you've never been poor (or even middle class), you might as well belong to a different species from the rest of us. Worth about $11.5 billion dollars, Bloomberg is rather typical of the arrogant, power-hungry 'malefactors of great wealth' who are protected by heavily-armed bodyguards, go everywhere by armored limousine and helicopters, and who have no idea at all what it's like for ordinary people to work hard, struggle to pay the bills, and brave the savage jungles that victim disarmament has made out of America's once great cities. "

What America really needs is more “good people” with guns!: "The shootings in Tucson of Congresswoman Giffords and 19 other people by an absolute madman have brought all the usual gun-grabbers out of the woodwork demanding that, 'We have to do something about all these guns!' They miss the point entirely! The answer to this horror is not to take the guns from the average American, but to ensure that a larger percentage of 'the good people' are well trained and well armed."

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