Friday, November 11, 2011

House Judiciary to DOJ Assistant A.G. Weich: now, explain to us why you lied under oath in February about Fast and Furious?

On February 4, 2011, [Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Ronald] Weich stated the following in letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) who had asked if allegations that officials had intentionally allowed criminals to guns had been “walked” in Operation Fast and Furious:

“ATF makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico.”

...Evidence gathered during the course of the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious has shown that this statement was untrue – ATF, in allowing guns to walk, did not make every [Ed: or any, in many cases] effort to interdict them and prevent their transfer to Mexico['s drug cartels]. Evidence gathered in the investigation has also shown that senior Justice Department officials knew at the time Weich made his statement in February that it was untrue.

“Mr. Weich, as you are well aware, it is a crime to knowingly make false statements to Congress,” Chairman Issa writes in his letter to Weich... "Whether it is the case that you were fed a lie and faithfully repeated it in a letter to Congress, or whether it is the case that you took the initiative to lie to Congress yourself, you are responsible for the contents of letters that bear your signature.”

Issa also issued a demand for documents that describe which officials in the Holder DOJ -- up to and including the A.G. himself -- orchestrated Weich's lies.

Oh, and Mr. Weich, a word of advice: I recommend you negotiate a deal for immunity in exchange for disclosing the truth about Holder's Gunwalker operation


OR: Shooting of 48-year-old Portland man by stepson appears to have been in self defense: "Prosecutors and police do not expect to charge the stepson who shot and killed 48-year-old Michael Earl Ford Tuesday night in their Northeast Portland home. Multnomah County Chief Deputy District Attorney Rod Underhill today said the shooting appeared to be a justifiable use of deadly force, but it remains under grand jury review. Police were called to the 3900 block of Northeast 149th Avenue about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday. Police said Ford was shot during a fight with his stepson. The stepdad had been beating the stepson with a wooden ax handle, police learned. Other members of the family were home at the time and called 9-1-1. The stepson, described as in his 20s, had fled by then, but later surrendered to police. Ford died at an area hospital. Ford had numerous drug convictions between 2006 and 2008."

Kindergartner Suspended Over Toy Gun: "A kindergartner has been suspended from Cheviot Elementary [in Cincinnati] after it was discovered he brought a toy gun to school. Liam Adams, 5, was sent home Wednesday with a letter stating that he would be suspended for three days for possessing a “dangerous weapon or object.” Dangerous? Gasps Liam’s mom, “[H]e’s a baby … and a little tiny toy gun not even the size of my hand, it’s just ridiculous.” Actually, it makes total sense. Condition people from the age of 5 to regard firearms with horror and shame, and they will be less likely to grow up to understand or even deserve American liberty, much less be willing or able to fight for it."

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