Saturday, February 11, 2012

CA: Gunman shot; bystander killed in shootout: "The gunfight at Fly Cuts & Styles killed two people, but only one of them is a victim in the complaint filed by Sacramento County prosecutors. While Monique Nelson died a hero while shielding her son from flying bullets outside the Stockton Boulevard barbershop, the other person gunned down, Marvion Barksdale, instigated the shooting, according to the District Attorney's Office. "But for Marvion being killed, Marvion would have been a lead defendant in this case, because Marvion is the one who set this chain of events in motion," Deputy District Attorney Scott Triplett said Friday. "Marvion walked up to the barbershop, gun in hand," the prosecutor added."

FL: Clerk shot while chasing off robber: "One look at the Big Star Liquors store surveillance video from January 18th and you can see why Groth is happy to be alive. Groth was working that night when two men tried to rob the store. Marianna Police said Hakhelius Moore, 18 years old, walked inside and immediately pulled out a gun. Groth instantly reacted with his own weapon and the two men exchanged fire. "Whenever I sit there on my computer I always have my gun," said Groth. It ended with the suspect running out of the store and Groth with gun shot wounds to the arm and neck. Groth spent more than two weeks in the hospital. He was released Sunday February 5th and went back home with his parents where a nurse comes by weekly to check on his condition.

TX: Store owner shoots black trespasser: "A northwest Houston food store owner shot and killed a man he said was trying to rob him, but police did not find a gun on the man, investigators said Friday. Houston police said the 49-year-old owner of the New Land Food Store, 822 West Little York, called 911 at 9:30 p.m. Thursday and said a man was trespassing. Investigators said Terrance Hall, 33, was agitated when he entered the store and tried to get into a back room. When he couldn't, he climbed onto an ATM machine, over plexiglass and fell behind the counter, police said. During a confrontation, the store owner, Thom Vu, grabbed a gun and fired several shots, investigators said. "(Hall) sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced deceased," said Brian Evans with HPD Homicide. Police said they did not find a weapon on Hall. Hall's relatives said he had a troubled past and a criminal history, but they know he had no intention of harming Vu."

Good move in Georgia: "State Rep. Jason Spencer introduced legislation that will allow residents to carry a concealed firearm without first having to get a permit from the government. Rep. Spencer told Georgia Gun Owners that, “Law-abiding citizens should not have to be fingerprinted and cataloged like common criminals just to be able to defend themselves, their family and their property.” Indeed, violent thugs will not show up at the police station or sheriff’s office to apply for a permit. Yet, law-abiding gun owners are forced to apply for a permit, pay fees that can total more than $100, submit fingerprints, and then wait for approval. All that to exercise what is supposed to be a fundamental, individual right."

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