Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Miss: man says fatal shooting was in self-defense:  "Jackson police said a man admitted to a fatal shooting but said he acted in self-defense.   Emmanuel Ealey, 37, was shot and killed Friday night at Westwick Apartments on Flag Chapel Road, police said. Ealey had a loaded gun on him when he died, police said.  Pelvius Thomas contacted police on Tuesday and spoke with investigators about the shooting. Thomas admitted to shooting Ealey but said he did so after Ealey confronted him for no apparent reason and pulled a gun on him, police said.  Jackson Police Department detectives were able to verify Thomas' story through a witness to the shooting, authorities said.  Thomas was released without being arrested, police said."

La.: Senate panel votes down new  self-defense bill:  "Legislation inspired by Florida’s Trayvon Martin case failed in a Senate committee Tuesday amid concerns that it would cloud state law.  Senate Bill 719 by state Sen. Yvonne Dorsey-Colomb, D-Baton Rouge, would have rewritten Louisiana’s justifiable homicide law. Under the change, the law would not apply when the person committing the homicide is the aggressor.  “What I don’t want to happen in this state is that we have permission to murder,” Dorsey-Colomb told the state Senate Committee on Judiciary C.  Critics of the change complained that the measure would lead to confusion and possibly result in people provoking aggressive behavior in order to have an excuse to kill."

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