Sunday, July 15, 2012

KY: Woman Released From Prison Early After new evidence of self-defense:  "Tammy Wilson is a free woman after serving 18 months in prison for killing her husband of 30 years back in 2008.   Wilson claimed all along that it was in self-defense. That her husband William Frankie Wilson was beating her, and had throughout most of their marriage. A jury did not believe her and gave her ten years in prison for second degree manslaughter.   Her family hired a new attorney, Robert Norfleet who immediately found a 911 phone call made my Wilson's family and her admitting to shooting her husband because she was being abused.    Norfleet also used a retired KSP crime scene investigator who found blood spatter at the scene that proved Wilson's husband was not sitting down but rather attacking Tammy Wilson. Commonwealth's Attorney Eddy Montgomery agreed to allow Wilson to be released on condition that her conviction stand and she remain on probation for five years."

Texan Shoots Drunk Man in Self-Defense:  "Witnesses report that a drunk man stumbled into the EZ Trip Food Store in Dallas, Texas and began harassing customers. He repeatedly slapped one customer in the face until the customer ran from the store, so the drunk man switched his sights to another target. He began punching another man in the face and followed the fleeing man into the parking lot.   That was the biggest mistake of his life. The punched customer, who was a concealed license carrier, pulled out a gun and shot the drunk man. He hung around and waited for police to arrive and was taken into custody without any trouble. The drunk man was taken to a local hospital, but he was pronounced dead roughly an hour after the shooting took place. The names of both individuals have not been released.  Was shooting an obviously intoxicated and punch-happy drunk man excessive? Possibly. Was it legal? Looks like it."

Congressmen Warn Obama on UN Arms Treaty:  "More than 130 congressmen, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama Monday expressing their opposition to a U.N. arms trade treaty if it violates U.S. gun owner rights and sovereignty.   The United Nations is starting a month-long negotiation for a long-delayed treaty on international standards for importing and exporting conventional weapons. Proponents say the treaty will simply replicate U.S. standards in much of the rest of the world without affecting domestic gun sales, The Hill reports. But gun rights activities are concerned. “The UN's actions to date indicate that the ATT [United Nations Arms Trade Treaty] is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights,” the letter states. “The U.S. must establish firm red lines for the ATT and state unequivocally that it will oppose the ATT if it infringes on our rights or threatens our ability to defend our interests.”

Federal judge kicks out part of Chicago's gun law:  "Chicago's firearm ordinance took another blow Tuesday when a federal judge ruled that the section banning permits for people convicted of unlawful use of a weapon is vague and unconstitutional.  The city must now decide whether to appeal the ruling or rewrite the part of its gun ordinance that bars individuals convicted of even misdemeanor offenses from possessing a firearm in their home for self-defense."

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