Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bloomberg's Gun Control Rally Names Boston Bomber as Victim of Gun Violence

At a June 18 gun control rally in New Hampshire sponsored by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns group, the name of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was read aloud as a recent victim of gun violence.

Throughout the rally, organizers read a list of names of people who had been killed with guns since the Dec. 14 shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. 

When they read Tsarnaev's name, pro-gun supporters who were at the rally to counter Bloomberg's group began shouting, "He's a terrorist," according to a report by Tim Buckland of the New Hampshire Union-Leader.

Tsarnaev was killed by police in a gun fight days after detonating bombs at the Boston Marathon. 

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  1. But, to quote, I think, Ambrose Bierce, his death was praiseworthy.
    (there being the continuum of deaths from criminal through regrettable then through necessary to praiseworthy.

  2. Things are getting twisted. Really too too bad. There was a time when following the law and living by rules was good and doing against society was wrong and not considered gun violence.


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