Monday, July 29, 2013

WI:Racine Gun Turn in (buy back)a Bust

Image of air guns turned in at Phoenix gun turn in event

About as many people turned up to buy firearms as turned up to turn them in.

 A total of 77 guns were turned in, with many of them being BB guns.

 About 50 people turned up to buy any guns that were worth more than the gift cards offered by the turn in organizers.    It is very common for people turning in guns to bring two or more guns to be turned in.

The turn in organizers had $2,500 left over to purchase more firearms.  It will be used at some future event.

Many of the people who showed up to buy firearms were members of Wisconsin Carry.

Citizens purchasing private firearms at these events has become very common where private purchases are not banned by law.

Scholars have concluded that such events are ineffective at reducing crime, while opponents have said that they amount to little more than political theater aimed at undermining the Second Amendment, while being subsidized by local police forces.

©2013 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.


  1. 1. cash was offered not gift cards.
    2. some of the BB guns were turned in by the poeple coming to buy the guns just for the cash.
    3. one person bought 7 guns at walmart the day before for about $120 just to turn them in and get back $350

  2. Cleveland: Homeowner shoots, kills intruder (WKYC Channel 3)

    Attempted home intruder killed (WEWS Channel 5)

    Police: Man Shoots, Kills Robber (WJW Channel 8)

    East side homeowner fatally shoots intruder (WJW Channel 8)

  3. Facing a Recall After Backing Stronger Gun Laws

    A recall election in Colorado serves as a test of whether politicians can survive the fallout of passing some of the strictest gun-control measures in the country.

  4. Thanks to both of you. I am on the road and will add an update on the cash and BB gun information soon.

  5. Good job Gun Buyers, I hope you saved a few good ones from destruction.
    I was at the Seattle
    "Gun Show" and saved a few historical firearms. I did see a young man (in seattle)that had four new air pistols he got from Walmart. He invested forty bucks and the mayor gave him Two hundred in gift cards. These "Sideshows" do nothing but add to the political confusion.


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