Monday, September 09, 2013

CA:Pierce College Bans Gun Class for Ideological Reasons

I offered to give my concealed carry class at  the local community college in 1994.  I was turned down because they did not think it was "appropriate".  This does not surprise me.

Attorney C.D. Michel has filed suit on behalf of the safety class' instructor. As Michel details on his website, Svonkin freely admitted that his rule was targeted at the NRA. "Recently the Board of Trustees found out that on two of our campuses we had classes about guns being taught for the community with the support of the NRA," Svonkin said during a radio interview. "We did not want community members coming on campus to an NRA-supported class, if they were going to bring guns to demonstrate for these people from the community on how to use guns."

In a separate interview, Svonkin added, "I believe that the NRA's goal is to promote gun ownership, and that guns lead to death. So, not having the NRA teach classes, not having the NRA classes on our campuses, is a good thing . . . . I'm much happier with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department protecting our students and our staff and our faculty than having some random person who took a three-hour class and thinks that they're Dirty Harry."

 More at NRA-ILA Here

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