Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dave Workman: Astroturf v. grassroots: The ‘rights versus regulations’ battle continues

While the well-funded Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) is planning its third annual fund-raising luncheon next month – and today sent out an e-mail reminder – the financially lean Protect Our Gun Rights (POGR) team yesterday warned in its own funding appeal that “The billionaire gun banners…are at it again!”

“They are beginning the summer,” POGR said of the opposition, “with a MAJOR swanky fundraiser on June 4, 2015 in downtown Seattle! (As if Mike Bloomberg, Nick Hanauer, and the other billionaires supporting taking your rights away didn’t have enough cash already).”

When it comes to gun control versus gun rights, the prohibitionists seem far better funded, thanks to the deep pockets of wealthy elitists who just cannot seem to abide by the fact that average citizens have a right to self-determination, as well as self-defense. These middle class Americans can’t afford armed private security, but they can afford to buy a firearm.

The WAGR group is lamenting that lawmakers in Olympia want to make common sense changes in gun laws to protect the privacy rights of their constituents. They believe that constitutional rights should never be up to a public vote that may be popular now, but what about next year?

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1 comment:

  1. I received two emails asking for support for the filibuster Rand Paul is engaged in. I asked the senders of those email if he was not getting his senatorial pay and if he is that is what he is getting paid for. I am so damn tired of people scamming people for money.


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