Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sorry Democrats, But There Is No ‘Loophole’ That Allows Terrorists To Legally Buy Guns

Having overwhelmingly lost the public debate about whether the Obama administration’s Syrian refugee screening policy should be enhanced, Democrats have retreated to more comfortable rhetorical ground: demanding more gun control.

Their new secret weapon? A bill that would ban anyone whose name appears on a terror watch list from buying or possessing a firearm. The idea sounds reasonable enough until you dig into the details and realize that the proposed Democratic legislation is a shocking assault on the constitutional right to due process. What makes the proposal even worse is that the Democrats’ assault on due process isn’t necessary to accomplish what they say is their only goal: preventing “dangerous terrorists” from legally purchasing or possessing a firearm. The idea sounds reasonable enough until you dig into the details and realize that the proposed Democratic legislation is a shocking assault on the constitutional right to due process. What makes the proposal even worse is that the Democrats’ assault on due process isn’t necessary to accomplish what they say is their only goal: preventing “dangerous terrorists” from legally purchasing or possessing a firearm.

The new bill, which Democrats have dubbed the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2015, gives the U.S. attorney general the authority to “deny the sale, delivery, or transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearms or explosives license or permit to dangerous terrorists.”

According to several Democratic sponsors of the bill, the proposed law would allow the attorney general to deny a criminal background check clearance to any individual whose name appears on the national terror watch list. The huge problem with this expansive new power is that there are precisely zero statutory criteria for inclusion on this massive list. In fact, when statutory authority for the centralized government database was first codified into law via the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Congress gave all authority for determining criteria for inclusion in the watch list to unelected, unaccountable government bureaucrats. If some faceless Beltway bureaucrat decides you might be a terrorist, then you’re a terrorist. End of story.

It gets even worse, though. If your name erroneously appears on that watch list, which as of 2013 included nearly 900,000 names, the Democrats’ proposed legislation renders you virtually powerless to find out why your name is on there, let alone to have it removed. And having your name erroneously or fraudulently added to that list isn’t as far-fetched as you might think.

In 2014, for example, Weekly Standard writer and Fox News contributor Stephen F. Hayes was informed that somebody added his name to the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist watch list. There is zero credible evidence that he has any ties whatsoever to terrorism or to any terrorist organizations. Yet, under the Democrats’ new bill, he and everyone else who is erroneously listed would be banned from ever purchasing or possessing a firearm. Hayes’ apparent crime was traveling overseas for a cruise. Hayes is not alone. Each year, thousands of names end up on the terror watch list for no good reason whatsoever.

Under the Democrats’ proposal, the government doesn’t have to tell you why your name is on the list. The proposed law allows the government to keep that information secret. And if you decide to take the government to court over it, the Democrats’ bill creates a brand new legal standard that tilts the scales of justice against you.

More Here


  1. A news report last week that people on flight blacklist were able to buy guns because the databases were not synchronize yet.

  2. Don't you love baseless arbitrary conclusion to non-existent issues?

  3. Please keep in mind that in the past the Obama regime hasn't been reticent about labeling Gun owners and those who support the 2nd amendment as Terrorists:
    Brady Campaign Labels NRA “Terrorists”

    Gun Owners Seen as Domestic Terrorists Clinton Compares Gun Owners To Terrorists DHS Training Video Targets Gun Owners as Terrorists: via @DCClotheslineU.S. reconstitutes group to fight homegrown extremists Admin Revives DOJ Group To Fight Domestic Terrorists . . . Won’t Go After Jihadists… So it is easily within the realm of possibility that they would simply classify gun owners of the wrong sort as Terrorists as an instant gun ban.

  4. Permission slips are the problem, not the solution.
    Lists allowing and disallowing permission are the problem, not the solution.

  5. I just bought a new shovel so I'll just sit here and wait for the gun grabbers to show up. If too many show up my neighbor has a back hoe and a full auto .223.


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