Monday, February 15, 2016

Followup CO:Victim who Shot "Craigslist" Robber Could Face Charges

LITTLETON, Colo. -- The victim of an armed robbery in his home could face criminal charges.

The homeowner shot and killed a man Sunday morning who came into his home in the 5400 block of South Taft Court after responding to a Craigslist ad.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and the Jefferson County District Attorney's Office are weighing the evidence in deciding whether charges are appropriate.

But the homeowner’s neighbors and others question whether he’s protected by the state’s "Make My Day" or self-defense laws.

The man went from being the victim of an armed robbery inside his home to being a possible suspect for killing one of the men who tied him up at gunpoint and robbed him.
More Here

1 comment:

  1. That's why its so important that people fully understand the laws of their state. Each state may be somewhat different and it can lead people into a horror show if they leave their doorway and shoot someone outside, especially in the back. If a criminal is fleeing the scene of a crime, in most states they are no longer fair game. They are not deemed to be a threat at that point and a human life is more important than a property theft, according to the courts. If its something worse, like a rape, shoot the bastards BEFORE they get out the door.


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