Sunday, May 27, 2018

The intolerant Left again: Hating on pro-gun student

Students are now threatening to boycott graduation next year if the number one ranked student in the 2019 class at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Kyle Kashuv, becomes valedictorian.

Kashuv tweeted: “LOL just got told that a bunch of students said they’re boycotting graduation next year if I’m valedictorian. CAN’T WAIT TO HAVE EXTRA CAKE!”

Kashuv is probably going to have to work twice as hard as other students to maintain his excellent GPA given he way he’s been treated by his teachers since the shooting.

One student witnessed a Parkland teacher go on a massive rant attacking Kyle Kashuv, “It was basically a hate fest, They were just saying means things about Kyle. He talked about how he was right, and how Kyle was making an ass of himself. He did say he ‘was the Hitler type.’ I don’t really know what that means exactly, but I think he was just being crazy.”

According to Fox News:

The teacher allegedly also called Kashuv “dangerous.”

Though Kashuv was not in class that day, he responded to the controversy on Twitter.

“I find it utterly vile that he’d call a Jew the next Hitler,” said Kashuv, whose family emigrated from Israel in the 1990s. “It’s also quite telling that he doesn’t know that Hitler took the people’s weaponry and I want more law-abiding citizens to have firearms.”

Kyle is not only the most intelligent when it comes to gun control laws, but also the most intelligent in the classroom.

It’s petty how students would boycott their own graduation over someone with a different political view than them. But that doesn’t come as a surprise with how the intolerant left acts.


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