Saturday, November 14, 2020

CO: Charges Dropped against Armed Samaritan who Helped Neighbor, Colorado Springs

Two months after our original story on this case aired, we learned the DA's Office filed a motion to dismiss charges against Larry and Lisa.

We caught up with them after their court appearances.

"We had to raise a fuss thanks to the Channel 5 coverage and my lawyer to even get the videotape to the DA to see it or this whole thing would have proceeded right down the road without the security footage which made all the difference in the world," Larry said.

While Larry is now "free", the case has taken a financial strain on his wallet. He says he's had to pay thousands of dollars in attorney's fees and court costs.

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1 comment:

  1. Another case of "punishment by process" by a DA who wasn't interested in literally looking at the evidence.


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