Saturday, April 30, 2022

TX: Gunfight, Homeowner Shoots, Kills Armed Intruder

A joint investigation by the Canton Police Department and the Texas Rangers revealed that Hicks had allegedly unlawfully forced entry into the residence and confronted the homeowner while armed with a handgun. The homeowner retrieved his own handgun and shot Hicks multiple times.

At present, the homeowner has not been charged. The case will be referred to a Van Zandt County grand jury for review pending the conclusion of the investigation.

More Here


  1. Dean: consider this. I think many of our current problems with Government over reach has one central issue. About 1970 the requirement to pass a high school Civics course to graduate ended. we now have about 52 years of constitutionally illiterate citizens. Civics is a boring class but extremely important to useful citizenship. with all of the undocumented now in this country it only compounds the amount of confusion in what our constitution is supposed to accomplish for a country with a government of the people by the people and for the people. We the citizens are required to limit the power of government. the constitution was written for us to control government not for the government to control the people and that is how those in government have turned things around. the youngest person now that was required to pass a civics class is now around 70 years old. most of the people in government are under 70. they don't even know why they take an oath of office. Even worse they really do not understand the structure of government. Not many citizens do. we have a congress with two houses. representative elected from each state representing their district. we have senators elected from each state to represent the country as a whole. Try contacting a senator from a different state than the state that elected them. Blacks law states judges are not permitted an opinion of what the law says. most judicial rulings today are opinions. Congress passes federal code the president thinks he can repeal it. Attorneys are getting disbarred for corruption because they don't know the law. Schools think they own your children. not one teacher paid for the delivery of any of my children. And they had no part in the fun of creating them. Maybe we should put together a seminar on how and why we are about to lose our constitution.

  2. Death ENDS "Fun" at the end of a gun !!!


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