Thursday, December 08, 2022

VA: Homeowner Struggles with Intruder, Fatally Shoots Suspect

Members of the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a home invasion that resulted in a fatal shooting this morning around midnight. Deputies Eric Jones & Jordan Rice were the first to arrive on scene at 1097 Mt Zion Road in Elk Creek. Deputies detained the homeowners while the scene was searched and made safe. The intruder gained access to the residence by breaking out a bedroom window. The homeowner was retrieving a handgun from the same bedroom when the intruder grabbed the homeowner from behind. A struggle ensued and both men went to the floor. The homeowner was able to fire two shots killing the intruder. Investigators worked through the night processing the scene and interviewing witnesses. 

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1 comment:

  1. I sure hope no one ever breaks into my home, cleaning blood out of the carpet is such a chore But I keep foam carpet cleaner handy


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