Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Anti-Second Amendment (No More Names)Bus tour Phoenix event 3 July, Tucson 5 July, 2013

From an AZCDL email, sourced only as another list:

 Mayors Against Illegal Guns/Mom Demand Action "No More Names" bus tour to promote their firearm prohibitionist agenda.

Phoenix: Wednesday, July 3rd at 9:00 am at Burton Barr Library, 1221 N Central Avenue, Phoenix 85004.

Tucson: Friday, July 5th at 12:00 noon at St. Odilla Church, 7570 North Paseo Del Norte, Tucson 85704.

 The MAIG tour has been very tight with information about their schedule, but Second Amendment supporters have been able to provide a small amount of reaction time for protests of these anti-freedom events.

They have already had major effects, showing terrorists and criminals on the lists of "gun victims".   One analysis of the "victims" listed from New Hampshire showed that half were justifiably shot.

The number of Second Amendment supporters has been equivalent to the number of anti-freedom activists, including those that have been bussed in.

It will be very interesting to see what sort of turnout greets the "No More Names" anti-Second Amendment stops in Phoenix and Tucson.

Dean Weingarten

1 comment:

  1. This really is a war. A war over the second amendment!!! And because it is not really honest, a cover up of sorts is being done (including names of villians instead of using only names of victims). It is somewhat terrifying. When will they start arresting everyone that is denied the right to own a gun?


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