Wednesday, July 03, 2013

MS:State Supreme Court won't overturn injunction on open-carry gun law (5:40 p.m. update)

The law is not really an "open carry" law.  It simply clarifies existing concealed carry law, reinforcing the Mississippi Constitution.

The Mississippi Supreme Court on Tuesday said it won't undo a circuit judge's order that's blocking an open-carry gun law from taking effect.

A panel of three justices said they made their decision for procedural reasons, and "the panel expresses no opinion respecting the merits of the matters pending before the circuit court."

Their ruling means that Hinds County Circuit Judge Winston Kidd can hold a July 8 hearing he had already set, to decide whether to extend the injunction he handed down this past Friday.


The bill's chief sponsor, Republican Rep. Andy Gipson of Braxton, said in a news release Tuesday that he's disappointed the Supreme Court did not immediately overturn Kidd's injunction and allow the law to take effect.

"I am confident that the court will ultimately validate House Bill 2," Gipson said. "The constitution remains in effect today just as it has since Mississippi became a state."

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