Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Prayer for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Jesus has told us to love our enemies.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has done a great deal to destroy the Constitution as written, and thus destroy the rule of law in the United States. She follows a 70 year tradition of Progressive dominance of the Court ignoring the clear text of the Constitution, and substituting Progressive preferences.

Ruth is old, and faces death. She sees her death, not at the end of productive life, but as a contribution to the destruction of all her work over decades.

God, please help open Ruth's heart to you. Help Ruth to realize we are all sinners and need forgiveness. We can never live up to the level of perfection God requires, without Jesus. We are all imperfect, because we are not God.

Ruth, you need only ask, and God will help you.

God, I know you wish for all to be saved. Please help your creation, Ruth to accept you and ask for your grace. Help open her heart, and humble her so that she can overcome her pride.

Help Ruth to realize she is not God. Help her realize she is not in control, and she, as with all people, is mortal, and will face you, probably in the near future.

God, may your grace help Ruth to become a child of God.

In the name of your son, Jesus, Amen.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch


  1. Amen ! And open her heart and make it a Mothers heart that will fight for the innocents in the womb . In the name of Jesus we ask .

  2. You're a good man, Dean Weingarten.


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